California Pain Consultants

Vertebral Fracture

Pain Management Specialists & Private Medical Practice in San Diego, La Mesa and Chula Vista, California

Vertebral Fracture

Back pain can present itself in a myriad of forms. It could be a tingling, burning, achy or sharp feeling of pain that could be due to any instance of a sprain or strain. In fact, roughly eight out of 10 Americans will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime. While many instances of back pain cause minimal disruption to daily life and generally resolve on their own, there are some cases when medical attention is required, and a vertebral fracture is one of those times. Thankfully the California Pain Consultants team in the Escondido, El Centro, La Mesa, San Diego, Chula Vista areas is highly trained in properly diagnosing and treating vertebral compression fractures so that their family of patients can comfortably and quickly enjoy their standard quality of life. 

What are Vertebral Fractures?

Vertebral compression fractures occur when any one of the 33 vertebrae that make up the spine break down or collapse. Most often, the damaged vertebrae are located in the thoracic spine (upper back) or the lumbar spine (low back). Fractures can be caused by a medical condition, normal wear and tear, or a traumatic event. 

Fractures can be difficult to diagnose and treat because symptoms can present themselves in many different ways. Some patients report feeling minor pain during only certain activities, but others report feeling extreme pain even with the simplest of movements. It’s recommended to seek medical care for any back pain that either continues to get worse or lasts for at least a month. If a patient experiences a great fracture, or doesn’t receive treatment, the fracture can lead to chronic pain. 

The first symptom of compression fractures is pain in the back. Additional symptoms can include: 

  • Pain the back, arms or legs that gets worse with standing or walking and improves when lying down
  • Limited mobility in the spine
  • numbness/weakness/tingling in the limbs
  • Decrease in height
  • Curved, hunched over or stooped posture
  • Eventual disability

Symptoms are generally felt when lifting, stretching or bending. 

What Causes Vertebral Fractures?

Vertebrae are wonderfully strong and stable, working to protect and support the spinal cord. While fractures can be caused by something as simple as an accidental slip and fall, coughing, sneezing or lifting a heavy object, the No. 1 main reason a person will experience a vertebral compression fracture is due to osteoporosis, which is a condition associated with the loss of bone mass. 

Women aged 50 or older are most at risk for osteoporosis, which is a condition defined by weak and brittle bones. Symptoms of osteoporosis that cause compression factors can occur slowly over time, and with wear and tear, so the pain can first be barely noticeable but can intensify in both level and frequency. Or, if osteoporosis is severe, then the pain can be present with even the slightest of movements. 

Compression fractures can also be caused by a traumatic event, such as a car accident or high-impact sports or lifestyle habits. 

What Treatments Help Vertebral Fractures?

The first step in treating vertebral compression fractures is to get a proper diagnosis. With the help of a physical exam, medical history review and X-rays, your provider will be able to determine if your fracture is from osteoporosis or another cause. Depending on the prognosis, treatment options vary, and can include: 

  • Lifestyle changes: medications, healthy diet, and weight-bearing exercise to help prevent bone loss or strengthen already weakened bones
  • Braces: a custom back brace can support the vertebrae and relieve pain by reducing the spine’s movement
  • Physical therapy: helpful for building strength, which allows for better support of the spine, and increasing flexibility and range of motion
  • Medications: used for alleviating pain associated with the fracture, and often used in conjunction with physical therapy
  • Acupuncture: a technique in which practitioners insert fine needles into the skin to treat health problems and relieve chronic pain
  • Vertebroplasty: a minimally-invasive procedure in which a special cement is injected into a fractured vertebra with the goal of relieving severe cases of spinal pain and restoring mobility
  • Kyphoplasty: a minimally-invasive procedure used to treat vertebral compression fractures by inflating a balloon to restore bone height then injecting bone cement into the vertebral body, which effectively treats kyphosis or a hunched posture

Pain management specialists will promote lifestyle changes and conservative and alternative treatment options before opting for vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty surgeries. While both are great options for treating vertebral fractures, either caused by osteoporosis or an injury, not everyone is a candidate for these procedures and there are possible risks associated with treatment. 

Most compression fractures due to injury heal in a month or two, given proper opportunity for rest and utilizing pain medications. However, the recovery period for surgical options is longer. While medicines can help to prevent future fractures and help with pain management, medications cannot reverse any damage that has already occurred, and some fractures, without treatment, can lead to chronic pain and eventual disability. 

When To Contact a Pain Management Specialist

If you are experiencing back pain that has gotten worse despite your best at-home care efforts, it’s time to reach out to your pain management specialist, especially if: 

  • You are older than 65 years old
  • You experience pain during movement and at rest
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • You have or had cancer
  • Loss of control of bowels and/or bladder
  • Severe pain, numbness or weakness in the back or legs
  • High fever

It’s important to seek immediate care as your provider can both treat your cause of pain and help to rule out any other medical issue that might be causing vertebral fractures. 

If you believe you are suffering from pain due to a vertebral compression fracture and would like an expert diagnosis, please schedule an appointment with the California Pain Consultants team in the Escondido, El Centro, La Mesa, San Diego, Chula Vista areas today. Our team is dedicated to helping you manage and treat your back pain so that you can enjoy your desired quality of life.

Your comprehensive treatment plan will help you eliminate chronic pain and get you back into a healthy life.

Imagine if chronic pain wasn’t holding you back every day. We believe you should be treated the way we would treat our own mom or dad which is how we have treated our patients for the past 15 years.

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At California Pain Consultants, we know that you want to get back to living a pain-free life. To do that you need a pain management team you can trust. The problem is there are so many pain clinics that do not listen to you and treat you like a statistic which makes you feel frustrated.

We understand your pain and suffering. We believe you should be treated the way we would treat our own mom or dad which is how we have treated our patients for the past 15 years.



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